It seems that Nietzsche looks at truth through a microscope, at its most basic level of existence. As he states, man's truth rely on how they apply to man, not how they exist in reality. He states that the truth, how man knows is, is built upon layers upon layers of half truths, falsities, fallacies and deceptions that are so far from the actual truth. To him truth, this is not about perception, or what our minds interpret. This is about what really exist, what really takes place underneath the surface.
He talks about the leaf (pg 91). He states : " one leaf is is exactly similar to any other, so certain the idea "leaf" has been formed through an arbitrary omission of these individual differences." I think though to him this is a form of disrespect to what actually goes on in the world. He makes man out to be vain and cocky for assuming that what he knows as truth, actually holds weight in nature. He even more has a problem with man thinking that nature is somewhat indirectly bound to his analysis of the truth. Nature, according to Nietzsche, could care less what man thinks, for it is nature itself, with all its complexities, reactions, wonders, unknowns, and evolutions, that is in fact truth incarnate. He is right when he states (p89) : "Does not nature keep secret from him most things, even his body?"
We might have a soar throat, and say to ourselves we are coming down with a cold. But according to Nietzsche that is not the absolute truth. We are associating the the pain we feel with our predisposed notion of a cold, not for once mentioning, or taking into consideration the things that might have caused your throat to be soar? Maybe its an allergic reaction or a bacteria you picked up eating food. Nevertheless the real truth's lie in nature, not in the association of the thing to the concepts of man. To him, men are blind, and only see face value. He believes man rely's on form, where as truth relies on individuality, something that man ignores. As he states (pg91) "...disregarding of the individual and real furnishes us with the idea, as it likewise gives us the form". To man, truth is a gathering of idea's. To Nietzsche, its a gathering of individuals realities.