Due date: author: course text
Sep. 11: Maya: Gorgias
Sep. 13: Joe A.: Gorgias
Sep. 18: Dia: Gorgias; Joanna: “Book of Letters”
Sep. 20: Ethan: “Book”
Sep. 25: Sok Leng: Introduction to …
Sep. 27: Deena: Introduction
Oct. 2: Elizabeth: “What is Enlightenment?”
Oct. 4: Ashley: “What is …”
Oct. 11: Michael, Renata: Categories
Oct. 16: Samantha, Henry: Physics
Oct. 18: Ana: Summa Theologica
Oct. 23: James, Joe W.: Meditations on …, 1,2
Oct. 25: Jeremy, Christina: Meditations 2,3
Oct. 30: Jessica, Sharon: Meditations 2,3
Nov. 1: Jung Hwa, Susan: Meditations 3,4
Nov. 6: Jay: Meditations 4
Nov. 8: Justin: “Abstract”
Nov. 13: Joseph M., Janay: “On Truth and Falsity”
Nov. 15: Devon, Eileen: “On Truth and Falsity"
Nov. 20: Jackie: “On What There Is”
Nov. 22: Ariel: "On What There Is”
Nov. 27: Sofia, Brittany: “Existentialism is …”
Nov. 29: Hannan: Nausea
Dec. 4: Mir, Rose K.: Nausea
Dec. 6: Rose May, Won: Nausea
Dec. 11: Badma: Nausea