The official course blog of the PHILO 101-051, -131 class at Hunter College, Fall 2010.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Existence is a meaningless Nothingness.
Monday, December 6, 2010
It’s all about the Nausea
He cannot bear for objects to touch him. He believes that an object should not touch because they are not alive. He is afraid to be in contact with them as they are living beast. (10) He recalls his experience with a pebbles and how it was like nausea in his hands. (11)
Roquentin is not much of a social butterfly. His existence is surrounded by his stories and the stories of others. He observes and listens to other people’s conversations. When he is at the café’ and he sees Adolph, the bartender he feels the nausea. Roquentin says, “ The nausea is not inside of me: I feel it our there in the wall, in the suspenders everywhere around me. It makes itself one with the café, I am the one who is within it.” (19) What really brought on this nausea? It seems like the mere observation of Adolph’s looks and clothing brought on his nausea. His encounter with Adolph is very different from his encounter with an object touching him. This is confusing because it seemed like objects brought on the nausea. After his encounter with Adolph, he asks Madeleine to play the something on the phonograph. For some reason this music from the rag-time has an affected on his nausea. He says, “ I grow warm, I begin to feel happy”. The nausea that had taken over him is now subsiding from the broken seats he sat on at the café to his encounter with Adolph and the purple suspenders.
Roquentin’s frequent visits the library enables him to encounter with the self-taught man. His relationship with the self-taught man has helped him to reinforce his own existence. When he reflects on his experiences and the people has encountered in his past/present he begins to understands the nausea. He realizes that he posses the nausea. According to Roquentin, “to exist is simply to be there; those who exist let themselves be encountered but you can never deduce (you can only make a judgement based on the information that you have) anything from them.” (131)
Inclusion Roquentin realizes that the nausa will no go away. He is able to have some control over it but should not allow the nausea to take over his existence.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Is our existence meant to be? Or is it just a pure accident?
According to Sartre, the answer to my title would be our existence is just a pure accident, but we invent “a necessary, causal being” (131) or an essence in order to explain our existence.
In other words, the necessity cannot define our existence which overrules the traditional thought of our existence; rather, Roquenitn claims, in order to exist, it merely means “to be there”, not like we exist for a certain purpose, necessity or essence. (131) Moreover, Roquentin asserts that “[we] can never deduce anything from [existence]” which implies that nothing can be derived from our existence and thus, there is no derived purpose or essence from our existence. (131)
The principle of Sartre’s “no essence from our existence”, relates to Roquentin’s conversation with the Self Taught Man at a restaurant. The Self Taught Man claims that he ought to love every human being as a socialist and Roquentin inquires if the Self Taught Man loves the couple who is sitting behind him. (119) Although the Self Taught Man wouldn’t recognize them if they were in the street, he still states that he loves them for their youth. (119) And, Roquentin responds that the Self Taught Man loves only the “symbols” such as “the Youth of Man, the Love of Man and Woman, [and] the Human Voice” which according to Roquentin, the essence such as the Youth or the Love from one's existence does not exist. (120) And yet, the Self Taught Man exists to love the symbols since “all men deserve [his] admiration.” (120) As a result, the Self Taught Man covers up his existence or hides from his existence by replacing essence in the place of his existence.
In addition, the “contingency” of our existence is “the perfect free gift”, however people “hide from themselves”, themselves meaning their existence by creating an essence to justify their being while “they are entirely free.” (131) Moreover, Roquentin tells when he was thinking about his existence, nothing was in his mind and his mind was empty. (127) And, if someone was to ask him what existence was, he would answer existence is “nothing, simply an empty form which was added to external things” (127) which leads back to Sartre’s principle that essence cannot precede existence since existence is nothing but an empty form.
However, Sartre claims existence precede essence since we are “entirely free” (131) we can create our own meaning of our existence rather than following what seems to be the essence of our existence. Therefore, we have the absolute freedom over our lives and in the end of Nausea, Roquentin commits himself to write a novel since writing the novel is only way for him to “succeed in accepting [himself.]” (178) Therefore, a purpose or an essence doesn't make us to exist, but we exist and then, we understand our absolute freedom and create our own meaning of life.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Despair and Optimism
Roquentin, in the beginning of the novel, doesn’t talk, doesn’t think, and in fact his very thoughts are in a mush. Throughout the book he is confronted with the masses; how they talk in order to realize that they happily agree with each other, (pg. 8) and hide themselves in the chaos of everyday life. A prime example is that of Lucie in the alley. The woman he thought he knew is something else; something she could not have been in the “quiet, pink streets” (pg. 27). Is this extension of feeling possible in a crowded room? Is raw emotion possible in the world of preset desires and concrete opinions?
The Self-Taught Man is another case in point. He is the thorough reader of other people’s opinions; a lover of humanity (perhaps too much) and all of its accomplishments. He is so completely unsure of himself, unsure that he may have the wrong opinions. He is a sad lonely person with nothing to his name except all the books from A-L. Such circumstance are usually conducive to the Nausea, or to some sort of awakening, but the Self-Taught Man finds solace in something larger; in a humanity that he cannot touch. He is a man like Rollequin, but one who tries to find his way into the steady stream of humanity, if not in actuality, then at least in ideology. He is like a drowning cat; he’s wet and useless but he’s still mewling.
Rollequin himself loses everything one by one. He discovers the facticity of time, and the falsehood of his past. His past can no longer comfort him; his woman is not the same as she was before. Who is it that exists in other people’s minds? It is not him. His consciousness is there, he cannot deny, but for no a priori purpose. Consciousness is superfluous, and the Nausea is just the projection of this onto his physical surroundings. Following this train of thought to it’s logical conclusion he discovers that he is only what he is at this very moment. He discovers freedom. He does not hide from this thought; there is nothing behind which to hide, but he decides to live and to write. This is the only form of true optimism. After going through the very depths of despair to emerge, not to a rosy world, but to reality.
Like Roquentin, the past seems to be an important time for Anna as well. "I live in the past." (page 152) But what connection does the past have with the present, relative to existence? It is not possible to understand the meaning or the basis of existence without first living through the experiences (or, in other words, the veil of lies that blinds a man from the truth) that cause your existence to have a particular essense. All creatures develop within a case, and none are born with the nausea of truth. Once they emerge from the case, they see the world for the first time, and the last thing on their mind is why they exist. Following their birth, they develop memories, and deal with the many "lies" of life that create their essence. And therefore causes them to forget what they truly are, and it is that exists within them. "The function explained nothing: it allowed you to understand generally that it was a root..." (page 129) It is once the essence is destroyed or moved aside that men realize the truth, that it is possible to define one's own essence. Therefore, in order for a being to define an essense, a being must first define its own existence; but this cannot be done without fluctuating between the past and the present. Realizing what defines a person's essence becomes the key to defining his existence, and in doing so, allows them to redefine their own essence.